πŸ“ŒCommon Concepts

πŸ“š Important Terms




Applying some filter on an image so certain features in the image get emphasized

πŸŽ€ Convolution Example

πŸ€” How did we find -7?

We did element wise product then we get the sum of the result matrix; so:

3*1 + 1*0 + 1*(-1)
1*1 + 0*0 + 7*(-1)
2*1 + 3*0 + 5*(-1)

And so on for other elements πŸ™ƒ

πŸ‘Ό Visualization of Calculation

πŸ”Ž Edge Detection

An application of convolution operation

πŸ”Ž Edge Detection Examples

Result: horizontal lines pop out

Result: vertical lines pop out

πŸ™„ What About The Other Numbers

There are a lot of ways we can put number inside elements of the filter.

For example Sobel filter is like:

1   0   -1
2   0   -2
1   0   -1

Scharr filter is like:

3    0   -3
10   0   -10
3    0   -3

Prewitt filter is like:

-1   0   1
-1   0   1
-1   0   1

So the point here is to pay attention to the middle row

And Roberts filter is like:

1    0
0   -1

✨ Another Approach

We can tune these numbers by ML approach; we can say that the filter is a group of weights that:

w1    w2   w3
w4    w5   w6
w7    w8   w9

By that we can get -learned- horizontal, vertical, angled, or any edge type automatically rather than getting them by hand.

πŸ€Έβ€β™€οΈ Computational Details

If we have an n*n image and we convolve it by f*f filter the the output image will be n-f+1*n-f+1

😐 Downsides

  1. πŸŒ€ If we apply many filters then our image shrinks.

  2. 🀨 Pixels at corners aren't being touched enough, so we are throwing away a lot of information from the edges of the image .

πŸ’‘ Solution

We can pad the image πŸ’ͺ

🧐 References

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