
πŸ“• Notebooks

🚩 Meta Characters

🎎 Character Matches

πŸŽ€ Symbol

πŸ“ƒ Description


Single character


Start of a string


End of a string


One of the set of characters within []


One of the range of characters


Not a, b or c


a or b (a and b are strings)


Scoping for operators



Escape character

πŸŽ‡ Character Symbols

πŸŽ€ Symbol

πŸ“ƒ Description

🀯 Equivalent


Word boundary


Any digit



Any non-digit



Any whitespace

[ \t\n\r\f\v]


Any non-whitespace

[^ \t\n\r\f\v]


Alphanumeric character



Non-alphanumeric character


πŸ’« Repetitions

πŸŽ€ Symbol

πŸ“ƒ Description


Zero or more occurrences


One or more occurrences


Zero or one occurrences


Exactly n repetitions


At least n repetitions


At most n repetitions


At least m and at most n repetitions

🧐 Useful Examples

🧩 Regex

πŸ“œ Description


Finds all lines start with specific string

πŸ”— References

Last updated